Hey there! Welcome to the One Acre Farm blog!!
You may be asking yourself "why am I reading this random blog written by my farmer's wife?" Truthfully, I am asking myself that very same question (well, more so asking why would anyone want to read this blog) and figured it would be prudent to set forth a few goals and guiding principles for what I hope this blog will achieve...
First, I would like to use this forum to provide useful, helpful or otherwise interesting information about the goings-on at the Farm. Most people don’t realize the amount of time and back-breaking work that goes into putting food on the proverbial (and in our case, literal) table. Literally, everything that comes to your table from our Farm is a fruit of our (much less so mine and much more so Michael’s) labor. Hopefully, through reading this blog you will learn more about what goes on at the farm, why certain steps are taken and what lessons we have learned through our trials and errors.
Second, and perhaps more importantly, I believe this could be an excellent interactive forum for questions, comments and communications from our members, friends, and family (and some of you are all of the above). I plan to include in my posts recipes or creative uses for our produce and encourage not only comments on these creations but also that you provide your own delicious creations to share with other members of our community.
Third, I hope to utilize this blog to learn more about the importance of eating locally (rather than, and not necessarily, eating organically) and sharing with all of you interesting tidbits that I learn on a daily basis from Michael’s knowledge on a wide spectrum of farm-related topics (i.e. the benefits of using straw as a weed suppressant and for water retention). Which leads me to my fourth and final point (for now)…
One of my biggest goals for this blog is that you are able to learn more about Michael, our Farm, and our experiences as we try to navigate this crazy world of farming in the D.C. metropolitan area.
Those are my goals for now, well -- those and my unabashed hope that I have more than two followers (which I am predicting now will be Michael’s sister and my best friend Rachel -- neither of which are local and thus, neither of which are members of our CSA).
Thank you for joining, and being a part of, our journey. Until next time…