Last Fall Michael found a local farmer friend who was selling a bunch of garlic seed (which, by the way, is actually the individual cloves of garlic) at a very low price ($3/lb vs the usual $11/lb). Being the bargain shopper that he is, he couldn't resist a good deal, even if it meant that we would have garlic coming out of our ears this season.
We had to endure the smell of the garlic as it dried out, in preparation for planting, in my parents' basement. I am not sure how we avoided eviction -- I think it's because I can count on one hand the number of times my parents actually entered their basement in the six or so years that they've lived there.
When Amelia was brand new, we had to find the time to separate every single garlic clove from the 100 pounds of garlic. It was surprisingly tedious and it hurt! After a short time of separating the cloves, my hands were aching and getting calloused. I think I checked on Amelia sleeping more in those hours than I did during her first few weeks of life -- anything (maybe even pinching her to wake her up) to get out of the garlic torture chamber!
Then, we rallied troops to plant the garlic in October. Amelia and I treked out to the Farm to check on the troops...we put her in the Bjorn and she "helped" plant, too! In total, the "deal of the century" resulted in the planting of an entire field of garlic -- 17 rows of garlic at approximately 175 feet per row. Which means (based on some calculations that I did not do, mathmatician that I am) that Michael and his crew just harvested -- wait for it -- almost six thousand individual garlic bulbs!!
Which means, members, buckle up! I have just invested copious amounts of money in Orbit, the gum company.
That is absolutely astounding. The level to which I am impressed is proportionate to the unbelievable amount of work that must have entailed, as well as my enjoyment of the cheeky little narrative by which the information was communicated. My jealousy, however, is inversely proportional to the number of callouses garnered by the endeavor. :) xoxoxox Seriously, that's something to behold.