Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Gone Baby Gone

From just the title of this blog post alone, you might assume that the negative connotation cannot possibly be the thoughts of the normal and better blogger of the family, Kristin. If, however, with just those three words, you thought for a second that perhaps 'glass half empty' Farmer Mike was in charge this week, you would be correct and I owe you a beer.

What does that mean, 'gone baby gone?’ If you saw the movie (if you were wondering why I always include movie references in my correspondence, it is so I am not fully wasting the four years of college that was devoted to filmmaking) the lead character is told by the local drug dealer that the missing girl he is searching for is 'gone baby gone.' I am making this reference because these are just the words I needed to finally tell myself after I went through the five stages of grief. I realize I have not actually stated why I am grieving but, in due time you will learn as well.

It is around this time during Kristin’s edits of this post that she will say something like, "all your emails, posts, etc are negative." This is true, but the reason I am somewhat negative makes sense. Whenever we do something good at the farm, you, the member, is the first to know because you see it in bulk at pickup. When we do something wrong, you don't see it and those are the things that I think are worth noting. So think of pickup as all the positive blog posts I write, and think of the blog and my emails as all the dreck (for the record, I mean my blog posts; I would never call Kristin’s writing dreck).

This leads me to the whole point of this post. After a very successful onion harvest by some very helpful members and my mom, we left the onions outside to cure and dry for storage. Unfortunately, and I am not going to go into all the details, the hot sun cooked about 80% of the most perfect red onions I have ever grown. I know what you are thinking, it’s like the guy that catches the 'big one' out at sea only to be by himself without a camera... But this is true, they were amazing and we did leave some in the ground (they weren't ready yet) so I will hopefully be able to prove it! I have gone through the five or so stages of grieving, from cussing and throwing to sitting quietly wondering why the #$%# I waste my time doing this farming nonsense. I know this happens at everyone’s job, you spend all this time getting ready for the big meeting, the big case, the big pitch and POW, something happens that messes it all up. So I am ok now, thanks for asking, and I look forward to trying again next time.

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