Wednesday, August 17, 2011

T Minus (or Plus) Thirty Days!!!

For those of you who don't know, Farmer Mike and I are expecting our first child!  We are expecting a little girl on September 16th (give or take, as we know how these things don't always go as planned) and could not be more excited!!!

While Farmer Mike is praying that his daughter makes her debut on a Friday (preferably followed by two days of rain), I am just hoping that she doesn't wait too long to meet us.  Why a Friday you ask?  Well, he is that devoted to delivering his vegetables to you that he understands that a Friday arrival will be the least disruptive to his duties at the Farm and his ability to get those delicious vegetables to your table.

However, we all know that the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray!  In the coming weeks, we ask for your patience as we try to plan for the unexpected.  You may receive a last minute email from Farmer Mike canceling distribution because I may be in labor.  Or, he could be moving slower or slightly grumpy because he is getting significantly less sleep than he is accustomed to.  We will try to keep you as informed as we possibly can but appreciate your (forced) willingness to go with the flow!

In this week's share, you should expect to receive:

Tomatoes, Watermelon, Cantaloupe (I've previewed it, it is succulent!), Squash, Potatoes, Leeks, Turnip Greens, Cucumbers

Until next time...

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